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Energy Healing for Homes

Your home is like a temple or church where you are not only supposed to live out your life but also find happiness, peace, contentment, and much more. There are many instances when your home might become such a stressful environment that you would want to get as far away from your home as possible. There are times when being in your home can be extremely discomforting for all members of your family. Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Types of negative energies existing in homes

Some people may say a home is haunted and that is why there exists a strangely stressful environment. Some people may say, it is because of negative energies that can’t be seen but can be felt. Actually, both are correct. There are different types of negative energies that can exist in your home. It is not necessary that these energies have been emitted by your family member; they could have very well existed somewhere from the past. Sounds haunting, does it?

The most important thing is that you can’t see these energies but you can nearly always feel them. Sometimes, when you come in contact with a particular negative energy, it might send a shiver down your spine. These energies could have developed from numerous circumstances including:

  • Death of family in that home before you brought it
  • Death of an owner in mysterious circumstances
  • Death of a family member in a brutal manner like murder
  • The home could be witness to many other negative incidents like divorce, death of a child, fights among family members, betrayals, and much more

Need for removal of such energy

Once the existence of such energy is identified, the next step is the correction of that energy.

How can such strong negative energies be altered? It can be done by an energy whisperer using theta in conjunction with other similar remedial modalities!

Before, we understand why or how energy healing works, one needs to understand why there is a need to remove such energies. Negative energy exists on an extremely subtle plane but has the ability to impact people’s lives in many unwanted ways. If you find that after coming to your new home, you or your family are experiencing the following then it is the handy work of an energy whisperer:


  • Frequent illnesses
  • Frequent accident and injuries
  • Fights among family members
  • Uneasiness and overall discomfort
  • Sudden financial losses
  • Sudden business loss
  • Poor examination or education results

Will Energy healing for homes benefit you?

Yes! You can really benefit from energy healings. Just like the list of problems caused by negative energy is long; so is the list of benefits. When you hire an energy whisperer to clean your home, they will ensure the negative energy is removed completely so that only positive energy can thrive.

This energy is derived from the theta waves, which is the dominant brain wave among the five, which are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta and Delta. These waves are produced especially when you go deeper into a meditative state or when you are under hypnosis. This wave is what energy healers can use to instantly transform negative energy and thought patterns into positive energy or thoughts and do all the necessary clearings.